Here’s to good neighbours! - Blog | Keyton

Here’s to good neighbours!

Sunday, 26 March 2023

We sat down with some village residents to find out what being a good neighbour means to them - and how close they are to the people living around them in their retirement village.

What is Neighbour Day?

Neighbour Day is an annual event that encourages people to connect with their neighbours and build stronger, friendlier, and more resilient communities. It is celebrated on the last Sunday in March - but the concept of Neighbour Day can be celebrated at any time!

The event was first launched in 2003 by Andrew Heslop and a team of community-minded individuals who recognised the importance of social connection and community building. Since then, it has grown into a national celebration of community spirit and neighbourly kindness, with people across Australia hosting barbecues, street parties, and other events to bring their neighbours together.

The aim of Neighbour Day is to promote social connection and community building by encouraging people to get to know their neighbours, foster a sense of community spirit, and create a sense of belonging. By connecting with our neighbours, we can build stronger, more resilient communities, reduce social isolation and loneliness, and create a more inclusive society.

So, Neighbour Day is a great opportunity to reach out to your neighbours, say hello, and start building stronger, more connected communities.

Every day is Neighbour Day

Community and good neighbours are also important parts of everyday life in our retirement villages. That’s why we dedicated not just a day, but the whole month of March to celebrate good neighbours across our villages. 

Residents came together for morning tea, Bingo, BBQ’s and we even organised an ice cream van in the street of the village to encourage residents to step outside with their neighbours to say ‘hello’ and have a chat over a sweet treat. 

We also sat down with some residents who are actual neighbours at Parkland Villas Woodlands, WA, to talk about their connection.

Heather and Theresa have been neighbours for 7 years. Heather loves the connection she has with her retirement village neighbours, “We have a really good circle of neighbours around us. We share stuff too, like food and friendship. If somebody needs help, we’ll always be there for one another. That’s what it’s all about, you don’t get that living out in the suburbs,” she says.

“You don’t get that living out in the suburbs.”

Theresa, resident of 12 years, remembers back to when she decided to make the move to retirement living, and the difference in connection with her neighbours. “When I was leaving my previous home after 8 years, my neighbours said “we’re going to miss you so much” but they didn’t know what my name was, so that’s the difference.” 

The connected community life in retirement living is also of great benefit to Anne, resident of 2 years, “It’s nice to know that people are actually aware that you are there. I think we have more to do with our neighbours in a village,’ said Anne.

Norman, resident of 4 years, who also runs the social committee, embraces the community village life and the social connections with neighbours, “I just love it, I just keep meeting people all the time, it’s fabulous,” he says. “I am busier now socially than I ever was when I was at home.”

You can watch the residents talk more about their neighbourly connections in this video:

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For further information about Keyton, please connect with our Customer Support Team on 1800 550 550.

Learn more about Parkland Villas Woodlands.

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