What is a retirement village? - Blog | Keyton

What is a retirement village, and who lives there?

Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Retirement villages are the perfect lifestyle choice for people over 55 who want to live independently. And the best part of it is: you don’t have to be a retiree to move in. Read on to learn more.

A retirement village is a lifestyle community for people over 55 who want to live in their own homes. Whether you’re still working or retired, moving to a retirement village is the start of a new chapter in your life. Knowing when the time is right can be tricky, but many residents say they wish they’d moved in sooner.

You don’t have to retire to live in a retirement village. You just have to be ready to enjoy a vibrant lifestyle in a welcoming community of like-minded neighbours.

A lifestyle choice for all kinds of people

Retirement villages are purpose-built communities designed for active and independent living. Residents are people from many different walks of life. Some are still working, some are semi-retired, and some have said goodbye to their working days.

Retirement villages can be very social, with communal facilities, activities, and group outings. But it’s up to you to join in as much or as little as you want.

Fun, healthy and exciting lives

When we surveyed more than 4,000 of our residents, we found retirement village residents want to live fun and exciting lives. And they want to improve and sustain their health and wellbeing.

In our survey, residents told us:

  • 51% want to improve their health

  • 37% want adventure activities

  • 21% want to go on a cruise.

We also learned some residents want to find love, get a tattoo and even go skydiving!

Retirement villages are perfectly designed for a fun, healthy and exciting life. You get to make the most of the social, wellbeing and low-maintenance-living benefits while continuing to do what makes you happy. Whether that's working, travelling or pursuing other interests.

How you live your life in a retirement village is entirely up to you.

The results of our resident survey indicating that health, fun and wellbeing are among the most important factors of their lives.Retirement village residents want fun, healthy and exciting lives.

Designed to suit you for years to come

The purpose-built design of retirement villages means life will continue to be easy and enjoyable as you age. It's one of the key attractions of village life. With a range of living options, it's easy to find a home to suit your needs.

Whether you're after a freestanding home, a modern apartment or the support of a serviced apartment, there are options for everyone. With low-maintenance living, you’ll have more time to enjoy the fun things in life. And you’ll love how easy it is to lock up and leave when it’s time to go travelling.

And while retirement villages are all about independent living, it’s comforting to know there is support and options for extra in-home care if you need it in the future.

Good for your health and wellbeing

Aside from lifestyle benefits, there are many health benefits to living in a retirement village. We know being social and connected is good for your health. Research shows people with social relationships live longer. And they have greater resistance to infectious diseases and a better chance of fighting illness. Further, people with high levels of community participation and socio-economic status have the highest life satisfaction scores.

Our retirement villages provide lifestyle and wellness programs tailored to community needs. While each village has a unique schedule, activities can include yoga, gentle movement, circuit, walking groups, cycling groups, social groups, and excursions.

Ready to start enjoying retirement village life?

Deciding to move to a retirement village will shape the following years of your life. It's important to feel confident and well-informed about your choices.

To help you make an informed decision, you can read about the things to consider before buying into a retirement village

We also have helpful information about the types of retirement village contracts. And a series of articles explaining more about finance and costs.

To learn more about the fun, healthy and exciting lives our residents live, read our resident stories. Here, you’ll discover the real-life stories of people who’ve chosen to live a vibrant lifestyle in a welcoming retirement community. 

For more information about the lifestyle and support offered at our retirement villages, call our customer service team on 1800 550 550.

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