Warm up with winter’s best seasonal produce - Blog | Keyton

Winter’s best seasonal produce

Friday, 21 June 2019

Learn how abundant seasonal winter produce can keep you feeling well when the cooler weather comes.

Written by Peta Shulman, Founder of GoodnessMe Box

In Australia, we can get fresh fruits and vegetables all year round. But when the weather cools down, we tend to want more comforting foods. Thankfully, in winter, our markets are brimming with seasonal produce to fill us up and support our immune systems.

Whether from the market or your home garden, eating fresh produce is always better because it tastes best as soon as it’s ripe!

Citrus fruits

The branches of a lemon tree with a bright blue sky behind them. The branches are full of bright green leaves and large ripe lemons.Lemons are a great winter produce

Lemons, limes, mandarins, and oranges are juiciest during the cooler months. They're bursting with health benefits, too. Citrus fruits contain vitamin C and flavonoids to boost your immunity, memory and mood. 

Thanks to the flavonoids, citrus fruits can reduce the risk of diabetes and cataracts. Squeeze lemon and lime over everything, and peel and eat the other fruits. Or turn them into a zesty tart!


Nothing beats biting into a crunchy apple. When the mercury drops, the quality of apples goes up, so winter’s the time to start eating an apple a day. 

Along with being refreshing, apples are high in nutrients and vitamins A, C, K and B1. They are also an excellent source of soluble fibre, which keeps you feeling fuller for longer and can help lower cholesterol.

The heart health benefits don't stop there. Apples contain antioxidants that help to lower blood pressure. And anti-inflammatories to improve immunity.  

Root vegetables

A top-view of a table with a large plate of roasted sweet potato fries topped with salsa, herbs and a dipping sauce.Root vegetables are in their prime in winter

There's a reason why roasts taste better in winter, and it's not just because it's cold outside! Root veggies like sweet potatoes, beetroots, carrots and parsnips are at their peak during the cooler months. Sweet and earthy in flavour, they work well in roasts, soups, stews, and a hearty sweet potato shepherd's pie. 

Beetroots are rich in antioxidants called betalains which help fight degenerative diseases. And carrots really do promote healthy eyes, thanks to a compound called beta-carotene. 

Cruciferous vegetables

Cruciferous veggies are finally enjoying their time in the spotlight. Think Brussels sprouts, broccoli, bok choy, cabbage, cauliflower and kale. This cold-weather crunchy bunch is high in vitamin C. They’re also high in vitamin K, which helps to boost bone health and regulate blood clotting. Whip up a hearty stir-fry with as many varieties as you can. Or sneak them into your winter soups and casseroles. 



With its crunchy texture and liquorice-like taste, fennel is one of our favourite veggies. For centuries, people have used fennel to soothe the digestive system. While you can enjoy it year-round, the bulb's favourite season is winter. Experiment by sautéing or roasting for full flavour. Or throw it into salads and bowls for a satisfying crispy finish. 

Herbs and spicesThree old and dirty Nutella buckets used as hanging herb pots.Herbs and spices

Did you know herbs and spices have seasons, too? If you're buying fresh herbs and spices in winter, go for ginger, garlic, oregano, parsley, rosemary, mint, dill and coriander. 

Herbs and spices are hard hitters when it comes to flavour, and they’re light on the waistline too. They’re the perfect winter pick-me-up to top off your next family meal. 

If you are veggie-hungry now but don't want to leave the comfort of your home, why not subscribe to a delivery box? The GoodnessMe Box is a Sydney-based health food sampling service that is curated by a team of health practitioners. The boxes provide bite-sized health food samples to help customers decide which products work for them. 

And if you are after some inspiration for tasty recipes and ideas, you can find founder Peta’s personal favourites on the GoodnessMe Box blog

The founder of GoodnessMe Box Peta Shulman is standing in front of stacks of the GoodnessMe boxes.Peta Shulman from the GoodnessMe Box.

For more information about the lifestyle and support offered at our retirement villages, call our customer service team on 1800 550 550.

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